Intrathecal Pump

Anesthesiologist and Pain Management Physician located in Bangor, ME

Intrathecal Pump services offered in Bangor, ME

If you experience ongoing discomfort and need pain relief, see outstanding pain management and anesthesiology specialist Ammar Mahmoud, MD, in Bangor, Maine. He provides intrathecal pumps that lessen the pain when you need relief the most and give you the best quality of life possible. Call his office to schedule an evaluation or use the online booking feature today.

What is an intrathecal pump?

Dr. Mahmoud places a tiny pump under the skin in your abdomen to deliver medicine directly to your spinal cord. An intrathecal pump, also called a pain pump, is a highly effective method for pain relief. A pain pump can reduce the bothersome side effects of some medications or allow you to receive smaller doses.

Intrathecal pumps are tiny metal devices about the size of a hockey puck. They attach to a small plastic catheter (tube-like device). A space inside the pump holds your medication. Over time, the pump slowly releases medicine during certain times of the day based on your personalized needs and lifestyle. Dr. Mahmoud can refill the medicine in the pump as needed.

Is an intrathecal pump right for me?

Dr. Mahmoud will let you know if an intrathecal pump is the right treatment after reviewing your medical history and symptoms. He completes a physical exam and may recommend you undergo blood tests, heart function or nerve tests, an MRI, X-rays, or other imaging procedures. 

Dr. Mahmoud may suggest an intrathecal pain pump if you’ve experienced the following:

  • Failed back surgery syndrome
  • Peripheral nerve injuries
  • Chronic pancreatitis
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Nervous system diseases
  • Cancer pain
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Stroke
  • Brain or spinal cord injury

After a successful trial, he can place a long-lasting pain pump.

How should I prepare for intrathecal pump placement?

Follow Dr. Mahmoud’s instructions to get ready for intrathecal pain pump insertion. Avoid food and drink the morning of your scheduled procedure, and stop taking certain medicines as instructed. Arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery.

What happens during the procedure?

After receiving anesthesia to help you fall asleep, Dr. Mahmoud makes a tiny incision in the middle of your back and places a catheter into the intrathecal space surrounding your spinal cord. He passes an extension catheter under your skin to your abdomen, where he implants the pump and closes any incisions.

What should I expect after receiving an intrathecal pump?

After being monitored, you can go home with a family member or friend. Follow all post-procedure instructions by taking medicines as directed, drinking lots of water, eating high-fiber foods, and icing the treatment area to reduce swelling and discomfort.

Avoid strenuous activities, straining during bowel movements, driving, drinking alcohol, and heavy lifting until given the OK. Get up and walk around periodically and gradually increase physical activity over time. Keep the incision areas clean, and wear an elastic abdominal binder to support the pump while you heal.

To learn more about an intrathecal pump and find out if it’s right for you, call Ammar Mahmoud, MD, or schedule an appointment online today.