Spinal Cord Stimulator

Anesthesiologist and Pain Management Physician located in Bangor, ME

Spinal Cord Stimulator services offered in Bangor, ME

If back pain, nerve pain, or other types of discomfort negatively affect your everyday life, see exceptional pain management and anesthesiology specialist Ammar Mahmoud, MD, in Bangor, Maine. He offers spinal cord stimulator implantation to ease your discomfort and keep the pain at bay long-term. Call his office to learn more about spinal cord stimulation, or use the online booking feature today.

What is a spinal cord stimulator?

A spinal cord stimulator is a tiny implantable device Dr. Mahmoud places inside your body to relieve long-lasting or severe pain. The device emits an electrical current that stimulates nerves in your spinal cord to reduce pain signals to your brain. You can use a remote control to activate spinal cord stimulation as needed to eliminate discomfort.

What is a spinal cord stimulator used for?

A spinal cord stimulator can reduce the following conditions and their symptoms:

  • Back pain
  • Severe discomfort
  • Ongoing pain
  • Failed back surgery syndrome
  • Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
  • Diabetes-related pain
  • Nerve damage
  • Low blood flow
  • Spinal cord or nerve injuries
  • Chest pain
  • Shingles pain

The procedure may also reduce symptoms of cerebral palsy and traumatic brain injuries. More than 30,000 patients undergo spinal cord stimulation surgery each year.

Is a spinal cord stimulator right for me?

Dr. Mahmoud reviews your symptoms, lifestyle, medical history, and treatment preferences to determine if you’re a candidate for a spinal cord stimulator. He completes a physical exam and may order blood tests, nerve or heart testing, X-rays, an MRI, or another imaging procedure. 

What should I expect during spinal cord stimulator implantation?

Follow Dr. Mahmoud’s instructions before you undergo spinal cord stimulator placement. You must undergo a trial surgery to make sure the stimulator works to relieve your discomfort. You might need to stop taking certain medicines and arrange for someone to drive you home afterward. 

During the trial period, Dr. Mahmoud inserts electrical leads into the epidural space within your spine. The leads connect to a generator that produces an electrical current. The trial period lasts a few days up to a few weeks. 

If the trial is successful, Dr. Mahmoud can implant permanent leads and a generator underneath your skin before closing the incisions.

What happens after spinal cord stimulator placement?

After Dr. Mahmoud implants your spinal cord stimulator, you can usually go home the same day or the following day but must have someone drive you. 

Take it easy, keep the surgical site clean, take medicines as directed, and attend follow-up visits to have your stitches or staples removed. You can then enjoy a pain-free lifestyle without the need for addictive pain medicines or invasive surgery.

To find out if you’re a candidate for a spinal cord stimulator, call the office of Ammar Mahmoud, MD, or use the online booking feature today.